School Times News


The School Times is a monthly newspaper written in easy-to-read English. It is for school children and adults who are learning English as a second language – for students with about 2-3 years experience of English.

The newspaper, which is online in PDF format (we send no copies through the post) includes 12 pages of News Stories, 3 pages of Worksheets and a Teacher’s Solutions Page. English to English translations of difficult words appear on each page. There are also word games and crossword puzzles. Each month two articles are supplied as downloadable audio texts.

Sample pages of School Times content

The School Times is published in A4 format for easy printing, and appears online 9 times during the year froJanuary to December. Please note that The School Times is not published during school holidays (from May to July). Subjects include: World News, Sports, Environment, Science and Technology, Film News and much more!

With our online subscription your school receives online access to nine monthly issues of The School Times. A subscription covers one school. Using a username and password you can print and download our latest issue for use at your school. All School Times’ subscriptions will access to our audio texts in MP3 format! You will also receive access to our archived issues and audio plus Student Access at where students can read or print or latest issue via mobile device and listen to the most recent audio texts. The are no ‘click-per-pay’ charges or hidden expenses. The School Times has been outstanding value for money teaching material since 1994!

Try a Sample issue in PDF

One year subscription price: 99 Euros   Order online

Review of The School Times from the Danish magazine ‘Folkeskolen’

Avis på Engelsk!

“The School Times er en engelsksproget avis for skoleelever. Avisen er på 16 sider og udkommer online i PDF format 9 gange om året mellem Januar og December.

De redaktionelle emner er sport, miljø, politik, teknik, historie, musik, geografi, og film, med vægt på de seneste nyheder.

Der angives normalsidetal på artiklerne. Avisen indeholder også quiz, ordleg, krydsord og andre opgaver i forskellige sværhedsgrader. Up-to-date undervisnings materiale hver måned!

Dette undervisningsmateriale er beregnet til skoleelever fra 8. klasse og opefter, og vil være til glæde for både sprog- og samfundslærere. Avisen er skrevet og redigeret af englændere.

Det valgte sproglige niveau forekommer realistisk til de ældste klasser i folkeskolen. Formatet er godt, kopiegenet og ‘gemme-egnet’. En årgang af bladet vil som tekstbase være et godt udgangspunkt for valg af aktuelle tekster også til prøverne. Prisen er absolut rimelig.”

Poul Otto Mortensen, Folkeskolen

‘Skole-avis med succes’ by Lars Bøgeskov in @politiken 1995